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Making money has never been easier thanks to AI and no-code tools

Here's how we used AI and no-code tools and made $10,000 in past month...

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Hey dear,

We want to share with you the tools kit that we used for generating $10k in the past month.

Welcome to our new newsletter. We are glad to have you here.

In this newsletter, we are going to share with you:

  • 7 AI and no-code tools

  • Free courses: 𝕏/Twitter growth course, Canva, and ChatGPT mastery course

Let’s dive into the newsletter:

7 AI and no-code tools

These are the 7 Free no-code and AI tools I used to generate $5k+ a month:

1. Canva: For writing and product design

2. ChatGPT: For content creation, product creation, and research

3. Notion: For link sharing and productivity

4. Gumroad: For sell products

5. Product Hunt: To promote the products

6. 𝕏/Twitter: For marketing and connection building

7. Beehiiv: For the newsletter

Here's how I used them:

1. Canva

We are using Canva for product design and content creation.

Mostly, we use Canva for 𝕏/Twitter content creation.

It’s the best in the market + free.

Here’s how to use it:

  • Content creation for social media

  • Product creation:

    • Ebook creation

    • Template creation

    • Presentation creation

  • Designing thumbnails for YouTubers (it is a service - We don’t give this service but you can - If you want)

If you want to learn how to create templates with Canva and sell on Gumroad then try my course for free:

2. ChatGPT

Before ChatGPT we would use Google and other blogging platforms for research and content creation but now we use ChatGPT and we’ve generated most of our income through it.

Here’s how you can use it and generate income (without spending a dime online):

  • Content creation

    • Blogging

    • Social media content creation

      • 𝕏/Twitter posts

      • Linkedin posts

  • Affiliate marketing

  • Bot creation

  • Proofreading and editing

  • SEO optimization

As we shared with you, we’ve been using ChatGPT for mostly content creation and product research.

If you want to learn ChatGPT for free then get this guide:

3. Notion

As you may know, Notion is used for databases and productivity but not for product creation and small resource products.

But we’ve been using it for product creation and link sharing - Generated $20k+.

It’s Free and anyone can use it.

Here’s how you can use it and generate an income:

  • Small resource products

  • Templates (Check Easlo who made a million dollar selling Notion templates)

  • For creating systems

4. Gumroad

You may not know but we have been using Gumroad for a year now.

And we are not jumping to any alternative. Because it has some great unique features.

Some of them are:

  • Email marketing

  • Free product selling

  • 24/7 customer service

  • PayPal & Stripe integration for Payouts.

Here’s how you can use it and make a lot of money:

  • Selling ebooks

  • Newsletter

  • Email marketing

  • Membership based communities

  • No signup fee (save money)

Want to master Gumroad? Get this course:

5. Product Hunt

This newsletter was promoted on Product Hunt and some of you may have upvoted it there and joined.

Almost every big creator and entrepreneur is using Product Hunt to promote their new projects and get customers.

We got you! And you can use it to get customers by using it wisely.

Here are the benefits and use cases:

  • Use it for promoting your guides, products, and more importantly your apps

  • Get paid customers

  • Get subscribers to your Newsletter

Try it and grow!

6. 𝕏/Twitter

We have a 400k+ audience on 𝕏/Twitter.

And we generated above $100k+ on 𝕏 by using our audience the right way.

I don’t know how to tell you this but posting only about your products can’t help you generate income.

What you should do instead is: Create content and help others then pitch them your product in the post not in the DMs.

Here’s how to use 𝕏/Twitter and generate money (this strategy is best for those who have 500 real followers):

  • Sell digital products like:

    • ebooks

    • Small info products

  • Sell online courses

    • Video courses

    • Consultations

  • Grow your online business

  • Newsletter growth (as we do)

If you want to learn 𝕏/Twitter growth then get this guide for free:

7. Beehiiv

This newsletter is hosted on Beehiiv.

We have been using Beehiiv for 4 months and we are satisfied with its features and customer service.

You can use Beehiiv and write newsletters like Pro without any juggling.

It’s like Google Docs on steroids.

Here’s how you should use Beehiiv:

  • Write newsletters

  • Use it for paid community

Try it here: Beehiiv

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