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๐Ÿš€ Launch Your Next SaaS in Days, Not Weeks with BoilerBay!

Now's the Time to Launch the SaaS You've Always Wanted

I know the feeling all too well - the frustration of being overwhelmed by coding when all you want is to see your SaaS take off.

Well, brace yourselves, because I've got news that's about to turn that frustration into celebration.

Introducing our BoilerBay: The ultimate Next.js SaaS bundle to launch your SaaS in days, not weeks.

Imagine starting a SaaS. Normally, you'd face the slow, risky task of hiring developers.

Our new product changes that, turning weeks of work into days. This isn't just making things faster; it's changing how startups begin.

With BoilerBay, quickly launching a successful SaaS isn't just possible, it's within reach.

Let us guide you through BoilerBay...

What is BoilerBay?

BoilerBay is not just another software bundle; it's your fastest route to market. It comes equipped with everything you need to launch your SaaS applications swiftly:

Landing & Waitlist Pages:

2 stylish, ready-to-use landing pages in both light and dark themes, and equally engaging waitlist pages with cool animations.

Comprehensive SaaS Kit:

From authentication to payments, our setup is comprehensive. We support Magic Link, social logins, email verification, custom checkout pages, and much more. All integrated with industry leaders like Stripe, LemonSqueezy, and NextAuth.

AI Integrations:

Incorporate cutting-edge AI capabilities in your app with minimal hassle using our pre-configured setups with OpenAI, Langchain, and Pinecone.

Robust Email Solutions:

Ensure reliable communication with transactional emails, customizable templates, and DNS setup.

Database & SEO Optimization:

Connect effortlessly to any database with Prisma and boost your SEO with ready-to-implement tags and sitemaps.

Sleek UI Components & Style:

Shadcn UI components with Tailwind CSS ensure your app looks great and works seamlessly across all devices.

With BoilerBay, you can cut down on the repetitive coding and focus on innovating and growing your business.

We take care of the backend so you can concentrate on creating an exceptional user experience.

Loved Globally โค๏ธ 

Already loved by over 130 founders worldwide, BoilerBay is proven to streamline SaaS app development. Hereโ€™s what some of them have to say:

โ€œThis saves a lot of time and helps us work more on the difficult portions!โ€œ

Neha Prasad - CEO at Zintlr

โ€œI have worked in 5 startups, 3 of which I made things from scratch. I know how many things are there to build and set up and it takes months to build. It took me that many years to gather that much expertise and boilerplates to build a startup like that. This product exactly does that, I have done all this work and this isn't 1 product-developer job, Orgs have teams to do all this.โ€œ

Sajal Sharma - CEO at Zintlr

Special Launch Offer ๐ŸŽ‰

As a part of our launch celebration, we're offering an exclusive discount for early adopters.

For the next 100 customers only 18 spots left. We're offering an exclusive launch price of $87. After that, the regular price will be $167.

Don't let coding delays hold you back. With BoilerBay, you're well-equipped to launch faster and smarter. Join us, and letโ€™s build something great together.

PS. If you want to save time and launch your SaaS in days not week then you need to explore BoilerBay. Contact us here for inquires: [email protected]