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How to get hired using 𝕏/Twitter for free:

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We’re a development, data science and design studio working with founders and execs on custom software solutions. We turn AI/ML ideas into realities–from chatbots to NLP and more.

Tell us about your visionary concept or work challenge and we’ll make it real. The secret to our success is treating your project as if it were our own startup.

There are half a billion smart ass people on 𝕏/Twitter.

Why did I add “Smart ass”?

It’s because of this post by Elon Musk.

He’s not lying though.

There are millions of entrepreneurs, businesses, and creators on 𝕏/Twitter.

But here we are just posting and interacting with people who can’t help you get hired or help you level up in any way.

Today, we will share with you the methods we used to get hired.

I will share with you these methods to get hired:

  • DMing

  • Through content

  • Giveaways

  • Commenting

And more importantly from a newsletter.

1/ DMing

Why would anyone trust you and DM back?

Have you provided any value?

Are you engaging with them?

You need to know the person whom you are sending DMs.

If you're mindlessly DMing the person, then two things could happen:

1. You'll get ignored

2. You'll get blocked

Here's how to get into their DMs and get an answer:

1. Appreciate what they're doing

2. Engage with them on a daily basis

3. Help them in any way for free

4. Use Explore to find them.

If you can't show your skill for free, then how would they hire you?

2/ Content

As I shared above, people won't respond to you because they don't know you.

What if they knew what you do and how you do it?

This is where content comes in.

You become a creator first.

You post what you do.

You help people with your content.

Here's how to get hired with content alone:

1. Show your skillset in the content

2. Talk about what you do best

3. Share what you did for other clients

4. Share your projects

5. Help people regardless

Content > DMs

Educate, entertain, and then pitch in CTA.

3/ Giveaways

The first method was DMing.

The second was content.

And now, giveaways.

Why give your best content for free?

Here's why:

1. People respect and pay more attention to those who are generous.

2. You giveaway your best content not fully free but for emails.

Here's how this works:

1. You create a helpful guide

2. Give it away for free using Gumroad

3. Get emails

4. Send your service info to the emailers

This process is better than DMing people for work.

They won't listen, why should they?

You're adding no value to their lives.

4/ Commenting

The best way to engage and make people notice you.

Would you open your DMs for a person who you don't know?

Or a person who has commented on your best posts and engaged with you for a week?

The latter works 100%

Here's what to do:

1. Don't use ChatGPT mindlessly.

2. Engage with the latest posts so the person can see you.

3. Make your comments personalized and to the point. Don't beat around the bush.

4. Be funny!

If you do this on my posts, then boi... I'm DMing you.

5/ Newsletter

This one is my favorite.

I share the GIVEAWAY method with you, right?

In the Giveaway section, I shared with you that you give away your best work for EMAILS.

In this part, we are going to leverage them.

Here's how:

1. You use Gumroad or Beehiiv to build a newsletter.

2. You share relevant content like the GIVEAWAY 3 times a week.

3. In every newsletter, you pitch your service.

When you provide value, people psychologically feel in debt. Take advantage of that and get hired.


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PS. I hope you find any value in this post. I posted this on 𝕏/Twitter yesterday… but I thought let’s share this with our newsletter subscribers. Thanks for reading.