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Getting rich is easy when you know what business to start

These 5 Online businesses has the power to make you a millionaire in the next year if you do them right. Here's what these businesses are and how you can start:

Most online businesses won't make you rich.

But these 5 will. And most people don't even know it.

In this post, we’re going to share with you 5 online businesses we’ve started and made $100k+ in just months.

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These are the businesses you need to start to get rich:

1. Social Media Ghostwriting

Have you ever imagined earning $10k a month just by writing?

As a ghostwriter for CEOs and founders, I've done it, and I'm here to tell you, it's absolutely possible for you too.

Your Action Plan:

Build Your Brand: Establish yourself on social media. Share insights, write thought-provoking posts, and engage with your audience to build credibility.

Target Top Executives: Position your services towards CEOs and founders. Explain how your writing can amplify their brand voice and save them time.

Showcase Successes: Use your growing brand to demonstrate your writing prowess. Share testimonials and success stories to attract more clients.

2. Selling Digital Products on Gumroad and Etsy

I've personally experienced the thrill of earning over $40k in a year through digital sales. It's a game-changer.

Steps to Launch:

Develop a Brand or Blog: Start a blog or grow your social media footprint. This platform will be your launchpad.

Create Compelling Products: Use free tools to design digital products like ebooks, courses, or artwork. Ensure they offer value and appeal to your target audience.

Effective Sales and Marketing: Gumroad and Etsy are your marketplaces. Use your blog or social media for promotion, highlighting the unique aspects of your products.

A dedicated audience or an engaging blog is non-negotiable for success here.

3. Notion Templates + Consultation

Navigating the $10k/month landscape with custom Notion templates is more than feasible.

Getting Started:

Social Media Branding: Share your Notion templates and insights. The trick is to offer most of your templates for free to attract a larger audience.

Engage Prospects: Directly engage with your audience, and pitch your paid templates or consultation services.

Marketing Savvy: Launch your premium templates on Product Hunt. Combine this with sales on Gumroad and Etsy, using your brand as a marketing tool.

4. No-Code Website Design

If you're adept with tools like TypeForm and Webflow, consider offering no-code website design services.

This field is rapidly growing, with a huge demand for sleek, user-friendly websites without the need for complex coding.

5. Building SaaS for Creators and Individuals

Platforms like Shipfa.st serve as a great inspiration for SaaS development. You can create a similar service, helping individuals and creators to build their own SaaS platforms.

Your Strategy:

Social Media Presence: Establish yourself as an authority in the SaaS space on social media.

Showcase on a Website: Create a professional website to detail your services, past projects, and client testimonials.

Marketing Through Product Hunt: Use Product Hunt to gain visibility in the tech community, showcasing your unique SaaS solutions.

This approach requires patience and dedication, but the potential profits are substantial.

I need you to invest your time in these businesses to get rich as soon as possible.

Don’t get the idea of “this might be saturated..“

These businesses aren’t saturated or anything…

Try to build something unique…and make money.