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Turn leads into paying customers with email course

Here's why you need to create email courses to sell your products and services + basic templates to use when getting started:

Most people have unique knowledge or skills that could benefit others, but 77% struggle to reach and engage with their target audience.

Only 30% of marketers use email courses to engage audiences.

When you create engaging emails, you do more than teach. You build a strong connection with your audience. This helps them learn about and choose your services or products. Email marketing is effective, returning $42 for every dollar spent. So, the value of a good email course is clear.

Why do most creators and entrepreneurs use email courses to get leads?

Email course is a series of lessons delivered to your audience's inbox.

It's more than information it's a journey you take your subscribers on, offering them value while introducing them to your services or products. Why it works? It's automated, personal, and effective at converting leads.

Your Audience and topic matters!

Wedding Falling Back GIF by Republic Records

Understanding your audience is essential. Your course should address their specific problems, needs, or desires. Next, your topic. Choose something you're knowledgeable about, passionate, and, most , something your audience craves.

If you don’t know what to create your email course on then use AnswerThePublic or ChatGPT to find out.

Creating Your Course

Without a proper structure, your course is going to fail. So, structure is key. How long will your course be? What's the goal of each email? A well-thought-out course keeps subscribers engaged and eager for the next lesson. Think of your course as a story, with each email an essential chapter.

Let's break down the email sequence to give you a clearer picture:

Email 1: Welcome and Introduction

Subject: Welcome to [Course Name] - Start Your Journey Today!

Content: A warm welcome, course overview, what to expect, how to get the most out of the course, and a teaser for the next email.

Email 2: The Basics

Subject: Dive Into the Basics: [Key Topic of the Day]

Content: Introduce fundamental concepts or steps. Keep it engaging and actionable. End with a teaser for the next email.

Email 3: Deep Dive

Subject: Mastering [Key Topic]: Your In-Depth Guide

Content: Offer more detailed insights, practical tips, or case studies. Encourage interaction by asking for replies or sharing additional resources.

Email 4: Implementation and Application

Subject: Putting Knowledge into Action: Tips and Tricks

Content: Guide on applying the learned concepts in real-life scenarios. Include examples, best practices, and potential pitfalls.

Email 5: Advanced Techniques

Subject: Elevate Your [Skill/Topic] with Advanced Insight.

Content: Share advanced tips or strategies that the audience can use to further their understanding or efficiency.

Email 6: Case Studies/Success Stories

Subject: Success in Action: Real-World Applications of [Course Topic]

Content: Showcase success stories, testimonials, or case studies to illustrate the practical application and benefits of the course content.

Email 7: Conclusion and Call-to-Action

Subject: You've Made It! What's Next on Your Journey?

Content: Summarize key takeaways, thank the participants for their engagement, and provide a clear call-to-action.

Content That Captivates

Working Jim Carrey GIF

Now, the real deal – content creation. Each email should be a mix of valuable information and a touch of your personality. Don't inform; inspire your readers to act. Remember, your content is a reflection of your brand, so make every word count.

Automating Your Course

With tools like Mailchimp, ConvertKit and Beehiiv, setting up your course is a breeze. These tools let you schedule your emails, segment your audience, and track engagement. Automation makes your life easier and ensures your subscribers receive the right content at the right time.

Getting the Word Out

Your course is ready. Great! But how do you get eyes on it? Promote it everywhere – your website, social media, podcasts, or even guest blogging. Your landing page needs to shine, stating the benefits of your course and making sign-up a no-brainer.

Measuring what has and has not worked

Are people signing up? Are they staying engaged? Tracking metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates gives you insights into what's working and what's not. Use this data to tweak and improve your course.


Creating an email course is a strategic move toward nurturing leads and establishing your authority. It's your chance to make a lasting impression, offer immense value, and turn subscribers into loyal customers.

The launch

Take the leap. Start outlining your course today. Need a little extra guidance? I'm here to help. Reach out, and let's turn your knowledge into a lead-generating powerhouse.

Or get this course like we did to learn email course creation and lead generation:

The best “build once, sell twice” asset.

While most creators sleep on email courses, the best ones scale with them.

Sign up for Master the Email-Based Course and see why Dickie Bush had “Takeaways within 5 minutes... Huge value.” 

That’s a wrap:

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